Thursday Happy Hour [LIVESTREAM] | 5:30pm CT

Grifters & Shills Facebook Page

It's THURSDAY HAPPY HOUR! Live from our home to yours, this week we're taking you on a journey through DUSTY ROADS & DIRTY ROOTS, a collection of songs inspired by our very first T-Shirt design. We recently learned that our T-shirt will be worn by an actor in an upcoming movie, so PRO TIP, drop us a message if you'd like to pick one up. You can be as cool as the movies with this shirt!

We're pairing up this T-shirt-movie-madness-journey with a drink called a DIRT & DIESEL.

Here's how it works: 5:20pm CT: We're LIVE on our Facebook page. Click over to here and find the video: 5:30pm CT: We show you how to make the featured drink! 5:32pm CT: Music starts. 6pm CT: We're done, and we'll keep the party and clicking on over to

Thank you so much for joining us and sharing a fun Thursday night happy hour. Tips are appreciated but not expected.

Our very best, John & Rebecca